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Set a multiline text value within a cell results in losing the line breaks

I have a text value which is multiple lines (As shown in VS text visualizer  is attached image) and I'm trying to put the contents into a Syncfusion spreadsheet (I've shown in the other image what is in an Excel Cell).   Howver I seem to lose the multiple lines when I set the cell using the following call. (Attached Image 3)

                    Dim sfv = Chr(34) & s.ToString & Chr(34)  
                    cs.SetValueRowCol(sfv, irow,2)

Am I using the wrong method to set the value and hence losing the formatting or do I need to encode in a different way to preserve the multiple lines ?

Attachment: excelmulti1_3bd00e2e.zip

1 Reply

KB Kanimozhi Bharathi Syncfusion Team January 27, 2020 11:49 AM UTC

Hi Spotty, 
You can achieve your requirement of multi-line text in Spreadsheet by using AutofitRows method and you can set the cell value using SetCellValue method of SpreadsheetGrid. Please find the code example for reference, 
private void Spreadsheet_WorkbookLoaded(object sender, WorkbookLoadedEventArgs args) 
  var range = spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.Range[2, 2]; 
  var value = "Personal Jump\r\nPrevious Jump:Yes\r\nTest"; 
  spreadsheet.ActiveGrid.SetCellValue(range, value); 
  spreadsheet.ActiveGrid.SetRowHeight(2, 2, spreadsheet.ActiveSheet.GetRowHeightInPixels(2)); 
Please let me know if you need any clarifications. 
Kanimozhi B 

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