I've got a datagrid which is populated and allows the grid to be user selected for sorting on specific columns however some columns don't seem to be sortable despite setting the grid . column to allow sorting.
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "ID", .HeaderText = "ID", .AllowEditing = False})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridButtonColumn() With {.HeaderText = "", .MappingName = "", .DefaultButtonText = "...", .NullDisplayText = "..."})
SfDgCheckin.Columns(1).HeaderText = ""
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridCheckBoxColumn() With {.MappingName = "Checkin", .HeaderText = "Checkin", .TrueValue = True, .FalseValue = False, .AllowThreeState = False, .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "CheckinString", .HeaderText = " ", .AllowEditing = False})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "GroupID", .HeaderText = "Group", .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "Name", .HeaderText = "Name", .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "CertificateName", .HeaderText = "Certificate Name", .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridCheckBoxColumn() With {.MappingName = "Altitude10k", .HeaderText = "10k", .TrueValue = True, .FalseValue = False, .AllowThreeState = False, .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridComboBoxColumn() With {.MappingName = "VideoOption", .HeaderText = "Video Option", .DataSource = _videoOptions, .DisplayMember = "Value", .ValueMember = "Key", .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridComboBoxColumn() With {.MappingName = "RequestInstructor", .HeaderText = "Req. Inst.", .DataSource = _Instructors, .DisplayMember = "Name", .ValueMember = "Id", .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridComboBoxColumn() With {.MappingName = "RequestLoad", .HeaderText = "Req. Load.", .DataSource = _LoadRequest, .DisplayMember = "Value", .ValueMember = "Key"})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridComboBoxColumn() With {.MappingName = "CompletePPWStatus", .HeaderText = "PPW Status.", .DataSource = _PPWStatus, .DisplayMember = "Value", .ValueMember = "Key"})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "CompleteString", .HeaderText = "PPW Status", .AllowEditing = False})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "Notes", .HeaderText = "Notes", .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "TandemRSNotes", .HeaderText = "RS Notes", .AllowEditing = False, .AllowResizing = True})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridTextColumn() With {.MappingName = "TandemRSId", .HeaderText = "RSID", .AllowEditing = False})
SfDgCheckin.Columns.Add(New GridCheckBoxColumn() With {.MappingName = "Deleted", .HeaderText = "Deleted", .TrueValue = True, .FalseValue = False, .AllowThreeState = False, .AllowEditing = True})
SfDgCheckin.AllowSorting = False
SfDgCheckin.Columns("ID").AllowSorting = True
SfDgCheckin.Columns("TandemRSId").AllowSorting = True
SfDgCheckin.Columns("Name").AllowSorting = True
SfDgCheckin.Columns("GroupID").AllowSorting = True
SfDgCheckin.Columns("CompletePPWStatus").AllowSorting = True
SfDgCheckin.Columns("CompleteString").AllowSorting = True
When the datagrid is populated if I select ID or TandemRSID columns nothing happens - no sort or anything. If I click on Name, GroupID or other fields then the column sort order is alternating between Ascending/Descending.
I have a repro scenario in a project which I can send - PM me for details.