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WPF DockingManager - Side Dock will not stay open when AutoHidden and WindowsFormsHost is clicked.

I have a legacy application that is a mix of WPF and WinForms.  I need to have auto hidden docks on the left side of the docking manager - sometimes these will host WPF user controls, and sometimes they will need to host WinForms user controls.  

However, I am running into a problem...

- When I expand the dock that contains the the WPF user control and click inside the user control all works fine - the dock stays open and allows me to use the control.  

- However, if I try the same thing with the dock that contains the WinForms user control, the dock immediately collapses when I try to click inside the user control.

Am I doing something wrong?  I've attached a simple example that shows the problem I am having.

Thanks for your help!

Attachment: WpfExample_a9ba5911.zip

4 Replies

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team January 23, 2020 09:50 AM UTC

Hi Jon, 

Thanks for contacting syncfusion support. 

We have checked your query “AutoHidden window focus changes to MainWindow when host the Winforms controls in it in DockingManager” and logged it as defect. The fix for this issue will be included in Volume 1 release which will roll out by end of March 2020. Please refer the feedback link below. 

Niranjan Kumar 

UN Unknown Syncfusion Team April 2, 2020 09:15 AM UTC

Hi Jon, 

Thanks for your update. 

We are glad to announce that our Essential Studio Volume 1, 2020 release (v18-1-0-42) is rolled out and is available for download under the following link. 
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. We will provide patch in this version including all fixes provided to you by end of this week. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance. 
Niranjan Kumar 

AG AgriLok December 2, 2020 10:29 AM UTC

Not able to view that link

BR Bharathi Rajakantham Syncfusion Team December 3, 2020 02:49 PM UTC

Hi AgriLok, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion Support, 
We can view the link. Can you share the issue you are facing while opening the link? It will be helpful for us to provide a prompt solution on this. 
Bharathi R 

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