I have an SFDataGrid, which I've populated from a database using a DataTable object. In the CurrentCellValidated event, I have an Update command which updates the database table with the new value. It seems to work just fine.
However, I have noticed that, during seemingly random moments when I'm editing cells, it throws an "Object Reference not set to instance of an object" exception and will fail to debug the issue. Specifically I get a "Break Mode" screen in VB.Net which indicates that "all threads were running external code". It has no pattern and seems to occur randomly when I'm inside a cell trying to edit its data - both when I hit the Enter key to trigger the Validated event and when I'm just typing new values onto the cells.
I have tried Googling the issue and was hinted to changing the CPU setting to x64 from any CPU, but that did not work. I found no other practical solution. Not using a database query to populate the grid and going with an internal List Of... solution like most of the Syncfusion samples use is not an option, mostly due to the sheer volume of the data.