Hi Dave,
We would like to inform you that, In the ComboBox TValue property is used to mention the value property type. So when binding the value property as int then you need to use the TValue as int as mentioned code snippet,
<EjsComboBox ModelType="Customer_Model" TValue="int?" DataSource="@Customers" @bind-Value="@SelectedIndex" >
<ComboBoxFieldSettings Text="Company" Value="CustomerID"></ComboBoxFieldSettings>
<ComboBoxTemplates><ItemTemplate><table><tbody><tr><td style="display:none;">@((context as Customer).CustomerID)</td><td>@((context as Customer).Company)</td><td>@((context as Customer).Last)</td></tr></tbody></table></ItemTemplate></ComboBoxTemplates>
We have modified your sample. Please find the sample here
Sureshkumar P