Hi Alexey,
Greetings from Syncfusion Support.
We can achieve this by using of
addEvent method instead of using
openEditor method in event drop events. We have prepared below sample based on the requirement.
In the above sample, we have used addEvent in onTreeDragStop method like below,
let eventData: { [key: string]: Object }
if (event.target.classList.contains('e-work-cells')) {
let cellData: CellClickEventArgs = this.scheduleObj.getCellDetails(event.target);
let resourceDetails: ResourceDetails = this.scheduleObj.getResourcesByIndex(cellData.groupIndex);
eventData = {
Id: filteredData[0].Id,
Name: filteredData[0].Name,
StartTime: cellData.startTime,
EndTime: cellData.endTime,
IsAllDay: cellData.isAllDay,
Description: filteredData[0].Description,
DepartmentID: resourceDetails.resourceData.GroupId,
ConsultantID: resourceDetails.resourceData.Id
// Handled the appointment drop for event target
let elem = closest(event.target, '.e-appointment');
let appointment: { [key: string]: Object } =this.scheduleObj.getEventDetails(elem) as any;
eventData = {
Id: filteredData[0].Id,
Name: filteredData[0].Name,
StartTime: appointment.StartTime,
EndTime: appointment.EndTime,
IsAllDay: appointment.isAllDay,
Description: filteredData[0].Description,
DepartmentID: appointment.DepartmentID,
ConsultantID: appointment.ConsultantID
Kindly try the above sample and revert us for further assistance with this.