i'm trying to get the correcte width and height of cell , but the result is not the same giving in word.
exemple the real width is 18,38 cm = 525,1 pt result using code is 536,1 pt
can i have an explantion for this ? the cell have an other property apart the marge ?
the code i use for this :
Dim a As WordDocument = New WordDocument(chemin + "\testword\test.doc")
Dim table As WTable = a.Sections(0).Tables(0)
Dim cell As WTableCell = table.Item(1, 0)
' the real width of cell is : 18,38cm -> 525,1pt
' the real height of cell is : 20cm -> 571,43pt
' the real marge is : 0,19cm -> 5,43pt
Console.WriteLine("marge right " + cell.OwnerRow.RowFormat.Paddings.Right.ToString +
" marge left " + cell.OwnerRow.RowFormat.Paddings.Left.ToString)
i give attached my sample , maybe is a particular exemple.
thanks for help.