Using a sfDataGrid, using master/detail. Pulling in information from my WooCommerce site. Two things I am having trouble doing:
1) I want to remove some columns in the details section
2) The details section is not automatically adding data that I retrieve. Such as the billing information. How can I add this to my dictionary so that it's included in the datasource? Here is my code:
Dim baseUrl = ""
Dim key = "ck_1234"
Dim secret = "cs_1234"
Dim rest As RestAPI = New RestAPI(baseUrl, key, secret, False)
Dim wc As WCObject = New WCObject(rest)
'Dim orders = Await wc.Order.GetAll
Dim orders = Await wc.Order.GetAll(New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {
{"per_page", "100"}