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How to get the map detail


I try to figure how to get the map detail.
I generated an example with your sample creator, using the map control with all the options ON.
I downloaded this map :

On this site, the example shows this map has a lot of details : Roads, "houses", names of places...

When using in your sample, I only get the general shapes.

Can you show me the code to get all theses details please ?

BEsts regards

5 Replies

BP Baby Palanidurai Syncfusion Team December 12, 2019 07:21 AM UTC

Hi Marc, 

Greetings from Syncfusion. 

We have analyzed your query and checked your geojson (which you have provided) in our sample and mapshaper.org site. Both are the same result which are showing general shapes only. We do not have support to access the details which you required.  
Please find the below screenshot for our sample and mapshaper output. 
Syncfusion maps: 


We are having sublayers, markers, annotations and navigation lines support. You can place the lines between more than two places by using navigation lines. And you can place the custom shapes and elements by using markers and annotations.  
Please find the below documentation and demo links, 




Navigation lines:  

Kindly revert us, if you have any concerns. 


MS Marc SOLDAT December 12, 2019 02:34 PM UTC

Thank's for the reply.
I guess there's a question of "format" ?
If I try to fond another json map, what kind / format do you think I should try ?

Bests regards

IR Indumathi Ravi Syncfusion Team December 13, 2019 11:34 AM UTC

Hi Marc, 

We have analyzed your query and provided the sample based on your scenario “Add another shape in the layer”. As a sublayer, you can add the shape. In the attached sample, we have added the world map as a layer and then we have added another shape(India) as a sublayer.  

Please find the below sample link for your references, 

Kindly revert us,  if we have miss understood your query and share the requested details of your scenario. 

Indumathi R 

MS Marc SOLDAT May 23, 2020 04:11 PM UTC


I'm coming back on this subject. I learnta little more about maps, json and so on.
I tried your sample and it's clear and easy, so thank's.
I've been to MapShaper, and I saw that the first file I sent you we exactly what you said it was.

So today, I tried to go a little further.
I tried to merge 2 files on mapshaper :
- France3.json => I can utse it on your sample or a sample I made on my own.
- InitRfn.geojson => A file provided by my client => This one, I can't see nothing on both samples..

On map shaper :
- I made on file with theses 2 (rfn.json).
- If I load it again on mapshaper, I can see both "layers/maps", so I guess it's ok

But if I use this new file on both samples, once again, there's no map ....
Can you help me with that please ?
The files are provided in this reply

Bests regards

Attachment: Maps_SyncFusion_51882054.zip

SB Swetha Babu Syncfusion Team May 25, 2020 09:47 AM UTC

Hi Marc, 

Thank you for your update. 

We cannot combine two shape data in a single json file. Instead, if you need to add the two layers in the maps control, then you need to add two layers with the two separate JSON files as shape data. Then you must set the layer type as “SubLayer” for any one layer. Please find the below sample link for your reference. 

In the above sample, we have added the France as the sublayer in the world map layer. 

Please let us know if you need further assistance. 

Swetha Babu

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