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How to disable dayWorkingTime

I have some data which I need to show in the gantt chart, the data is already being calculated from back-end. But the Gantt chart calculates this data again by referring the dayWorkingTime array. Is there any way to switch off this rendering from dayWorkingTime so that I could show the data as it is.

7 Replies

PP Pooja Priya Krishna Moorthy Syncfusion Team November 21, 2019 07:34 AM UTC

Hi Nikitha, 
Greetings from Syncfusion support. 
In Gantt, we are validating the dates based on various properties such as dayWorkingTime, workWeek, includeWeekend, holidays and predecessorMapping. To show the date as given in the data source, we need to make 24 hours as working day by specifying the range as 0 to 24 and also we need to enable includeWeekend property to make the weekends also as working days. When predecessor is mapped, dates are validated based on the predecessor values. To disable the predecessor validation, we need to disable the property enablePredecessorValidation. When duration field is mapped, end dates are calculated based on the start date and duration. To show the end date as same as the date given in the data source we should not map duration field. Please refer the below code snippet for this. 

<ejs-gantt id="ganttDefault"  
         [dayWorkingTime]="dayWorkingTime" [includeWeekend]="true" [enablePredecessorValidation]="false"> 
export class AppComponent { 
    public dayWorkingTime: object; 
    public ngOnInit(): void { 
       this.dayWorkingTime = [{ from: 0, to: 24 }]; 

Please find the below sample link. 
Please get back to us if you require further assistance on this. 
Pooja Priya K. 

NI Nikitha November 22, 2019 05:25 AM UTC

Hello Pooja,

Your solution really worked. I had already tried the dayWorkingTime and workWeek but I was not aware of the property enablePredecessorValidation.

Thank you so much for your prompt reply.

PP Pooja Priya Krishna Moorthy Syncfusion Team November 22, 2019 07:01 AM UTC

Hi Nikitha, 
Most Welcome! 
Please get back to us if you need any further assistance on this. As always we will be happy to assist you. 

Pooja Priya K. 

NI Nikitha December 6, 2019 05:44 AM UTC


I have got an issue with shifting of parent task bar.

All the task records have its start date and end date. The parent task is shifting based on its first child task which I don't require.
For ex, in the gantt data, the parent task's start date is 6th dec, 2019 and child task's is 12th dec, 2019. The gantt chart renders the parent task to 12th dec, 2019 as the start date.

I have used enablePredeccessorValidation = false and also I am not mapping the duration field.
How can I disable the shifting and show start date of the parent task?

Thank you,

Nikitha R

PP Pooja Priya Krishna Moorthy Syncfusion Team December 9, 2019 09:21 AM UTC

Hi Nikitha, 
In Gantt, parent task date values and duration values are calculated based on its child task collection. This is the current behavior of Gantt. 
If we try to change this in work around it will breaks the behavior of Gantt and causes some issues. 
In EJ1 Gantt we have support called manual task scheduling mode, when we set task scheduling mode as manual, then all tasks including parent task also not validated based on properties like holidays, predecessor and day working time. In this mode parent task will be rendered with two taskbars, one is based on child records date values and another one is rendered with date value of parent task alone. Please refer the below demo link to know more about this. 
This feature is not available in EJ2 Gantt, so we have logged a feature report for this, you can track the status of these feature from below feedback link. 
As we have already lined up with some major features, we could not start this feature immediately. We will implement this support and include in any our upcoming releases. 
Please cast your vote to make it count. We will prioritize the features for every release based on demands. Until then we appreciate your patience. 
Pooja K. 

NI Nikitha December 30, 2019 06:26 AM UTC


Thank you for replying.
I have voted for the feature "setting task scheduling to manual mode", as this feature is very important to us.
This feature would solve two more issues,
1) Taskbar auto shifts when its start date is a holiday.
2) When the task's start date and end date are within the range of holidays, the taskbar turns into a Milestone.

We would also like to have the PDF export feature to view the gantt chart. I didn't see any request in the feedback for angular version.
Please consider this feature too.

Thank you,

Nikitha R

KR Karthikeyan Raja Syncfusion Team December 31, 2019 11:35 AM UTC

Hi Nikitha, 
Please find the below response. 
Syncfusion Comments 
setting task scheduling to manual mode 
We will include this feature in our Volume 2, 2020 main release which is expected to be rolled out on June 2020. You can track the status of this feature by using below feedback report link. 
We would also like to have the PDF export feature to view the gantt chart 
We have already logged a feature report for this. We will implement this support and it will be included in our Volume 1, 2020 main release, it will be expected to out at March, 2020. You can track the status of this feature by using below feedback report link. 
Karthikeyan Raja. 

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