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Error loading JSON data array

Hi Support,

i want to move one application to Syncfusion Blazor, using the grid. Since I get dynamic data, the data source comes as a JSON array (see attached file: gridview.zip). Can you help me out getting those data displayed?

many thx,


<EjsButton OnClick="btnLoadData" Content="Load Data"></EjsButton>

<EjsGrid TValue="Dictionary<string, object>" ID="AGrid" DataSource="@DynamicJsonCollection" AllowPdfExport="true" AllowExcelExport="true" AllowPaging="true" AllowSorting="true" AllowFiltering="true" AllowGrouping="true" Toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Cancel", "Update" })">
<GridEditSettings AllowAdding="true" AllowEditing="true" AllowDeleting="true"></GridEditSettings>

@code {
[CascadingParameter] List<Dictionary<string, object>> DynamicJsonCollection { get; set; }

private EjsGrid<String> AGrid;

public async void btnLoadData()
var Result = (await My.HttpClient.GetJsonAsync<xxx.DoxViewGrid>($"{My.ApiBaseUrl.AbsoluteUri}/{My.SessionJid.ToString()}/sw/local/morpheus/dox/get/grid/642847D4-0445-4D8A-A7D1-742297CE012D"));

DynamicJsonCollection = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<Dictionary<string, object>>>(Result.Data);
catch (Exception ex)


Attachment: gridview_data_9a144b33.zip

2 Replies

RS Renjith Singh Rajendran Syncfusion Team November 15, 2019 01:13 PM UTC

Hi Walter, 

Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 

We tried to reproduce the reported problem by binding an array of JSON object(from your attachment) as data source for Grid in the button click handler. But we are not able to reproduce the reported problem. Grid displays fine with the data. Please download the sample from the link below, 

If you are still facing difficulties, kindly get back to us with the following details for better assistance, 
  1. Share the sample which you have tried from your side or reproduce the reported problem with the attached sample and share with us.
  2. Share the details of script error if any occurred in the browser console.
  3. Share the video demo showing the issue you are facing.

And also we would like to inform you that, currently we do not have support to perform data operations in Grid while using dynamic / anonymous object. We have considered this requirement as feature and it will be included in any of our upcoming release.  

You can track the status of these features using the below feedback links, 

Please get back to us if you need further assistance. 

Renjith Singh Rajendran. 

GM Gangabharathy Murugasen Syncfusion Team November 18, 2019 04:52 AM UTC

Hi Support, 
thank you very much for the help. I added back ur project but with some more data. Loading is ok, but when u do paging for ex: page 1 to page 2, I get an endless loading … 

best walter. 

Ps: I don’t have 3.1 so I switched back to 3.0! 

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