1.When an appointment is having "IsBlock: true ", then our eventTemplate is not getting apply on appointment .Please find details below
"instanceId": "16CDCEA3969446E5",
"name": "OP Site Survey",
"startTime": "2019-11-29 10:28:47.0",
"id": "16CDC1A90E99F36D",
"endTime": "2019-11-29 11:28:47.0",
"userId": "16BD4F1D48E790E0",
"type": "unAvailable",
"IsBlock": true
//eventTemplate Method
if(type === 'unAvailable'){
return ={styles.unavailableTaskHeader}>{props.name}
So i found that if we need to apply "IsBlock": true then we have to remove eventTemplate properties then it will take default properties .
Can you suggest some other think that eventTemplate should also apply on "ISBlock": true and block properties should also work for appointment. Means that blocked appointment can not be dragged
and no other appointment can be assigned that IsBlock Time.
2. How can we block time for appointment outside of working hours.Means we should not assign appointment outside of working hours
So if we have have startTime is 8AM and and endTime is 6 Pm as working hours, then we should not allow to drag appointment outside of working hours .
3.Event Template is not getting apply on Month view .Please find method below .here event template is getting applied on day view and week view.
But not getting applied on Month view
Please find screenshot below for Month View .
Please find screenshot for day view