Hint="Credit Card Number"
LeadingViewPosition="Inside" >
<syncmaskededit:SfMaskedEdit ValueMaskFormat="ExcludePromptAndLiterals"
Value="{Binding CardNumber}" Keyboard="Numeric"
Mask="0000 0000 0000 0000" MaskType="Text"
ValidationMode="KeyPress" />
<Image Source="{Binding CardNumber ,Converter={StaticResource CardConverter}}"
I want to be able to put this into sfDataForm so that I can validate it, but have issues with all the customization, I've tried via AutoGeneratingDataFormItem, but when I create the TextInputLayoutSettings, the LeadingView is a Label and won't let me put in an Image. The image also needs the converter as it changes to visa/disc, etc. depending on what is entered. The sfDataForm seems to be more of a pain then what it solves. Would like to use DataAnnotation or INotifyDataErrorInfo for validation.