Hi James,
Greetings from Syncfusion support.
Query 1:
BUT it doesnt work for Numeric Text Box. How can this be made to work for Numeric Text Bos??
We need to get the input element properly to add the corresponding success, warning and error class to the input components. We have prepared the sample for the NumericTextBox component and attached it below.
Query 2:
When the form is reset the dirty status of all embedded controls (DropDownList, NumericTextBox, DatePicker) is not set to pristine with dirty and touched false, as are the other native type controls such as Text. This means the form shows an error condition on these controls on a rest. How is the form with embedded controls successfully reset such that the embedded controls are pristine?
While checked the reported query, we got the same state value of the form is correct when we placed the mentioned component (DatePicker, NumericTextBox, and DropDownList) and as well as HTML input textbox. Please check the below sample and provide the details that will help us to check and proceed further.
- Have you faced issues in the state value of the form at the script level?
- have you faced issues in the DOM level such as adding “ng-pristine, ng-dirty, ng-valid” classes while reset the form?
- Have you mentioned the issue in the form level for each component separately?
Query 3:
How do you successfully initialize values in embedded controls? Can you please update your documentation to show this
We will add the requested requirement in our documentation and update to you after changes has been published in online.
Berly B.C