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[All platforms] SfTextInputLayout inside PopupView doesn't loose focus when tapping/clicking outside the control

Good afternoon,

with the following code:

<sfPopupLayout:SfPopupLayout x:Name="sfPopupLayout_NewDatabase" StaysOpen="True">
<sfPopupLayout:PopupView ShowHeader="False" ShowFooter="False" WidthRequest="300" HeightRequest="200">
<Grid Padding="16">
<RowDefinition Height="30"/>

<Label x:Name="label_SfPopupLayout_NewDatabase_Title" Grid.Row="0" Text="New database" FontSize="16" FontAttributes="Bold"/>

<sfTextInputLayout:SfTextInputLayout x:Name="sfTextInputLayout_SfPopupLayout_NewDatabase_DatabaseName" Grid.Row="1" ContainerType="Outlined" OutlineCornerRadius="5" FocusedColor="#007bff" ErrorColor="#dc3545" Hint="Database name">
<Entry x:Name="entry_SfPopupLayout_NewDatabase_DatabaseName"/>

<StackLayout Grid.Row="2" Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalOptions="End">
<sfButtons:SfButton x:Name="sfButton_SfPopupLayout_NewDatabase_Cancel" Margin="0,10,0,0" CornerRadius="5" HeightRequest="40" BackgroundColor="#6c757d" VerticalOptions="Center" Clicked="SfButton_SfPopupLayout_NewDatabase_Cancel_Clicked" Text="Cancel"/>
<sfButtons:SfButton x:Name="sfButton_SfPopupLayout_NewDatabase_Confirm" Margin="5,10,0,0" CornerRadius="5" HeightRequest="40" BackgroundColor="#007bff" VerticalOptions="Center" Clicked="SfButton_SfPopupLayout_NewDatabase_Confirm_Clicked" Text="Confirm"/>

Once tap/click on SfTextInputLayout i cannot loose the focus tapping/clicking on the white space or outside the popup.

You can find a video attached.

Thanks in advance

Attachment: 20191104_164535_3772813b.7z

4 Replies

KK Karthikraja Kalaimani Syncfusion Team November 5, 2019 04:55 PM UTC

Hi Marco, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have checked your reported issue “SfTextInputLayout inside PopupView doesn't lose focus when tapping/clicking outside the control”. Because its a behavior of SfPopupLayout, so that’s why it does not lose the focus for SfTextInputLayout while tapping overlay of PopupView. 
Karthik Raja 

KK Karthikraja Kalaimani Syncfusion Team November 5, 2019 06:06 PM UTC

Hi Marco,

Please ignore previous update,

The behavior of SfPopupLayout is that, if SfpopupLayout StaysOpen is set to true then while tapping the overlay the SfpopupLayout provides focus to the PopupView and does not close the PopupView. If StaysOpen is set to false then while tapping on the overlay the SfpopupLayout closes the PopupView.

Karthik Raja 

MN Marco Negroni November 6, 2019 03:30 PM UTC

Ok but isn't correct that focuses on the control if the user doesn't tap/click on the control.

KK Karthikraja Kalaimani Syncfusion Team November 7, 2019 02:20 PM UTC

Hi Marco,

Thanks for the update.

The SfPopupLayout is control and it is drived from Layout<View> so it can only layout the view. And also if the popupview is open the sfpopuplayout provide focus to popupview.

Karthik Raja

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