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Badge is shown behind control when encapsulating a Frame

I wanted to add a batch to an existing Control which is structured like this.
When adding the badge the badge is rendered in the background instead on top.

<badge:SfBadgeView HorizontalOptions="Center" VerticalOptions="Center"  >
                <Frame Padding="10,10,10,5" CornerRadius="10" HasShadow="true" Margin="5" 
               BackgroundColor="{Binding Background, Source={x:Reference This} }" BorderColor="AliceBlue" 
               MinimumWidthRequest="100" MinimumHeightRequest="100">

                <ffimageloading:CachedImage HorizontalOptions="CenterAndExpand" VerticalOptions="Center"
        WidthRequest="90" HeightRequest="90"
                    CacheDuration="14" CacheType="All"
        Source = "{Binding ImageUrl, Source={x:Reference This}">

                <Label Text="{Binding Name, Source={x:Reference This} }"
                           Style="{DynamicResource ListItemTextStyle}"
                <badge:BadgeSetting BadgeType="{Binding BadgeType, Source={x:Reference This} }"  
                                    BadgeIcon="{Binding BadgeIcon, Source={x:Reference This} }"
                                    Offset="-8, -8" BadgePosition="BottomRight"
                                    Stroke="Black" StrokeWidth="3"

Is that a bug or am I missing something?

1 Reply

RA Rachel A Syncfusion Team October 17, 2019 11:29 AM UTC

Hi Michael, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. 
We can resolve the problem by adding the badge view content inside the Grid layout as given in the below code snippet. 
                    <Frame Padding="10,10,10,5" CornerRadius="10" HasShadow="true" Margin="5"  
                BorderColor="AliceBlue" BackgroundColor="Blue" 
               MinimumWidthRequest="100" MinimumHeightRequest="100"> 
                            <Label Text="Content" 
Please let us know if you have any concerns. 

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