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Validate against another cell value

How can I validate against another cell?

I have this example and I want to validate required <= stock

Many thanks!

1 Reply

TS Thavasianand Sankaranarayanan Syncfusion Team October 14, 2019 08:56 AM UTC

Hi Carlos, 
Greetings from Syncfusion support. 
We can achieve your requirement of validating a cell against another by using the validationRules property of the Grid columns. The validationRules provides custom validation support which you can utilize to validate a cell against another. 
This is demonstrated in the below sample code, 
<ejs-grid ref="grid" :dataSource="data" :pageSettings="pageOption" :toolbar="toolbar" :editSettings="editSettings" :cellSave="cellSave" allowPaging="true"> 
      <e-column field="Required" headerText="Required" :validationRules="ReqValidationRules" width="100"></e-column> 
      <e-column field="Stock" :validationRules="StockValidationRules" headerText="Stock" width="100"></e-column> 
export default { 
    data() { 
        return { 
            ReqValidationRules: { 
                required: true, 
                max: [ 
                    args => { 
                        // Get the parent row element of cell 
                        var rowEle = args.element.closest(".e-row"); 
                        // Get the stock cell value 
                        var stockCol = rowEle.querySelector('[aria-colindex="5"]').innerHTML; 
                        // Compares the Required and Stock cell values and returns the result 
                        return stockCol.length != 0 ? parseInt(args["value"]) <= parseInt(stockCol) : true; 
                        }, "Required must be lesser than stock" 
            StockValidationRules: { 
                required: true, 
                min: [ 
                    args => { 
                        // Get the parent row element of cell 
                        var rowEle = args.element.closest(".e-row"); 
                        // Get the required cell value 
                        var ReqCol = rowEle.querySelector('[aria-colindex="4"]').innerHTML; 
                        // Compares the Required and Stock cell values and returns the result 
                        return ReqCol.length != 0 ? parseInt(args["value"]) >= parseInt(ReqCol) : true; 
                        }, "Stock must be greater than required" 
We have modified your sample based on this. You can find it below, 
Thavasianand S. 

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