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Errorr display in pivotGrid

PivotGrid only display first record date time format
PostDate: 1/1/2019, 1/7/2019, 1/10/2019, 1/11/2019, 1/12/2019...
What happen ?

10 Replies

TB Thirupathi Bala Krishnan Syncfusion Team October 14, 2019 06:59 AM UTC

Hi Vinh, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have analyzed the reported query –“DateTime values are not populated properly”. But we are unable to reproduce the reported issue in our end. We have used the same datetime format mentioned in the screenshot, here all date time values are displayed as expected. Please refer the following screenshot for your reference. 
Sample link : https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/148268/ze/PivotGridCustomizationDemo-1083138121

Could you please share your working sample or modify the attached sample to reproduce the issue, so that it could be helpful to provide the solution at the earliest.

Thirupathi B.

VI vinh October 15, 2019 09:18 AM UTC

My solution here...
I use SQL server, visual studio, wpf

Attachment: Coco1_391f214.7z

TB Thirupathi Bala Krishnan Syncfusion Team October 16, 2019 09:11 AM UTC

Hi Vinh,

Thanks for the update. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to run the shared application in your previous update. We have faced the exception –‘Cannot open the database’ while running your application. We suspect that database does not exist in the application. Could you please share the modified sample with global database connection to make the sample runnable state, so that it could be helpful to provide the solution at the earliest.

Please refer the attached videos and stack trace details from the following location: 

Thirupathi B. 

VI vinh October 16, 2019 02:47 PM UTC

Hi Thirupathi B.
Thanks for contact me.
I want to download file from sample link: https://www.syncfusion.com/downloads/support/directtrac/148268/ze/PivotGridCustomizationDemo-1083138121
But it don't. After I fill my acount syncfusion, i see:
Access Denied
You don’t have permission to access this file. The reason may be:
  • The incident associated with this file is not tied to the account you used to log in. To Logout use this .
  • Your enterprise portal admin has not allowed you to access other portal users’ incidents. Ask admin to change the support visibility in their Syncfusion profile.
If you feel this information is wrong and you need to download this file, please contact us.
How i do...thanks you.

TB Thirupathi Bala Krishnan Syncfusion Team October 17, 2019 11:06 AM UTC

Hi  Vinh,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused. 

We have checked and resolved the issue at our end. We have modified the sample link based on your update. Could you please try downloading our working sample from the link below? 

Please let us know if you need any further assistance. 
Thirupathi B. 

VI vinh October 17, 2019 02:36 PM UTC

Hi Thirupathi B.
    I download sample link update, run and this result:

It one record,
I use: visual studio 2019 (not 2017) 16.3.5, Syncfusion wpf

VI vinh October 17, 2019 02:55 PM UTC


TB Thirupathi Bala Krishnan Syncfusion Team October 18, 2019 08:38 AM UTC

Hi Vinh, 
Thanks for the update.  
We have checked the same shared sample in VS2019. But we are unable to reproduce the issue at our end. We have defined the values in ProductSales class. Here, we have randomly selected the 10 dates for the “Year” pivot rows. Based on this, the pivot grid populates the data properly. 
Could you please check the following details? 
- Add the breakpoint in GetSalesData method(refer the attached video) to check the Year value in the list.(each data have different date values) 
- Do you have changed any values In the sample? 
- Try the sample in some other machine to check the reported scenario? 
- Try the following code snippet to check the row count values in pivot engine.
Note: Based on the row count values of engine, the pivot grid row displayed.

# MainWindow.xaml.cs 
        public MainWindow() 
            pivotGrid1.Loaded += PivotGrid1_Loaded; 
        private void PivotGrid1_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            pivotGrid1.InternalGrid.Loaded += InternalGrid_Loaded; 
        private void InternalGrid_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
            //Here we getting the row count value as 13.
            int row = this.pivotGrid1.PivotEngine.RowCount; 
            //Here we getting the column count value as 8. 
            int column = this.pivotGrid1.PivotEngine.ColumnCount; 
Please refer the attached videos from the following location: 
Please let us know if you need any further assistance. Based on your updates, we will proceed further. 
Thirupathi B.

VI vinh October 26, 2019 03:19 PM UTC

Hi Thirupathi B. 
    I were found my problem, it is errorr .NET framwork after i add .NET framwork 4.6.1 to visual studio, .NET framwork 4.6.1 update, but .NET framwork is not work perfect
    I reinstall .NET framwork is not work...
    I install windows 10, visual studio, syncfusion... and it run perfect. The sample:
Thank Thirupathi B. very much!

TB Thirupathi Bala Krishnan Syncfusion Team October 28, 2019 08:52 AM UTC

Hi Vinh, 

Thanks for informing the reported issue has been resolved at your end. Also, please let us know if you require any further assistance on this. As always, we will be happy to assist you.

Thirupathi B. 

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