I am using ejs-daterangepicker in my grid to show the date range picker to the user to select a range of dates to get the desired output. When i use ejs-daterangepicker outside of the EJ grid it works just fine. But when i use it within the grid the select date is giving me issues.
I need to click 2 times to get the Start Date selected and then when i hover i am able to select the desired range. And when i click again i am able to get the End date. This issue is i have to click 2 times to get the Start date selected. On the first click the date is highlighted in Red but the Start date is not changed and the heading shows "Start Date" itself. When i click second time then it shows the correct date. Please find the sample code below:
<ejs-grid [dataSource]='data' #grid [allowPaging]='true' [pageSettings]='pageSetting' [allowSorting]='true'
[allowFiltering]='true' [filterSettings]='filterSettings' [allowGrouping]='false' [allowResizing]='true'
<e-column field='name' headerText='Name' width='auto'></e-column>
<e-column field='ID' headerText='ID' width='auto'></e-column>
<e-column field='Date' headerText='Date' width='auto'>
<ng-template #filterTemplate let-data>
<ejs-daterangepicker placeholder='Select date' (change)="onDateChange($event)" [startDate]='start'
<e-column field='statusmain' headerText='Status Main' width='auto'>
<ng-template #filterTemplate let-data>
<ejs-dropdownlist id='dropdown' [(ngModel)]="data.status" [enabled]="data.column.allowFiltering"
(change)=onChange($event) [dataSource]='data' [fields]='fields'[popupHeight]='height' ></ejs-dropdownlist>
<e-column field='taskmain' [allowFiltering]='false' headerText='Task Main' width='auto'></e-column>
Please let me know if this is library issue or the implementation need to be changed. Remember it works perfectly fine when it is outside the grid.