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Padding the Hint label unfocused status

 I used the component as ContainerType = "None" because of the custom padding (<inputLayout: SfTextInputLayout.InputViewPadding>
                                             <OnPlatform x: TypeArguments = "Thickness"
                                                                 iOS = "0.20,0.7"
                                                                 Android = "0.17,0.10" />
                                         </inputLayout:SfTextInputLayout.InputViewPadding>), but Hint (in unfocused status) is anchored very close to the border (line). Is there a way to change this anchorage (using padding)?

1 Reply

LR Lakshmi Radha Krishnan Syncfusion Team October 1, 2019 06:15 PM UTC

Hi Laerte,

Greetings from Syncfusion.

We would like to tell you that the hint label is always positioned near to the border (line) for the container type None. So, we suggest you to use the container type as filled to place the hint label at center position.
Lakshmi R. 

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