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ShowDropDownIcon cause popup position to move down

Hi Team,
It's annoying when the MultiSelectDropdown popup move down when i check it.

3 Replies

VK Vinoth Kumar Sundara Moorthy Syncfusion Team September 27, 2019 07:16 AM UTC

Hi Huy Ly,  
Thank you for contacting Syncfusion support. 
We have checked your reported issue and would like to let you know that the fix for the reported issue is included in version 17.2.49. So, we suggest you upgrade our Syncfusion packages to our latest version to resolve this issue in your end. For demo purpose, we have prepared the stackblitz sample and please check the sample from the below link,   
The below demo sample will be refreshed with fix in our upcoming Essential Studio 2019 Volume 3 release. 
Could you please check the above sample and get back to us if you still face the issue in your end?  
Vinoth Kumar S 

HL Huy Ly September 27, 2019 07:56 AM UTC

After I upgraded to the last version, the problem was fixed. Thank you so much!

VK Vinoth Kumar Sundara Moorthy Syncfusion Team September 27, 2019 09:07 AM UTC

Hi Huy Ly, 
We are happy to hear that your issue has been resolved. Please feel free to contact us if you need any further assistance on Syncfusion components. 
Vinoth Kumar S 

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