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Toolbar buttons not working when loading the list box using remote data

Hi, when I statically assign elements to a list box, all the toolbar buttons work as expected. But, if I populate it using data remotely, the toolbar buttons are disabled. The only button that works for me is "moveAllTo". Do I have to referesh the listBox some way, so that it detects the new items that were added to it inside a promise? 

it works when I do it this way:

public dataA: { [key: string]: Object }[] = [ { Name: 'Australia', Code: 'AU' }, { Name: 'Bermuda', Code: 'BM' }, { Name: 'Canada', Code: 'CA' }, { Name: 'Cameroon', Code: 'CM' }, { Name: 'Denmark', Code: 'DK' }, { Name: 'France', Code: 'FR' }, { Name: 'Finland', Code: 'FI' }, { Name: 'Germany', Code: 'DE' }, { Name: 'Hong Kong', Code: 'HK' } ];

this.svc.getData(params).then( (classes)=>{
for (let item of lst['dataList']) {
this.listBoxDataSource = [... this.listBoxDataSource, { id: item['id'], name: item['name'] }]

3 Replies

VK Vinoth Kumar Sundara Moorthy Syncfusion Team September 11, 2019 11:19 AM UTC

Hi Jose, 
Good day to you. 
We have checked your reported issue and confirmed that the issue “Toolbar buttons(moveTo) not working when loading the list box using remote data” is a defect and logged a defect report. You can track the status of this defect using below link from our feedback portal, 
The fix for this issue is estimated to be available in our Essential Studio Volume 3 SP1 release which schedule to roll out in the month of October 2019. We appreciate your patience until then. 
Vinoth Kumar S 

JL jose lara October 15, 2019 01:22 AM UTC

Hi Vinoth, has the fix been released?

SD Saranya Dhayalan Syncfusion Team October 15, 2019 09:53 AM UTC

Hi Jose, 
We have fixed this issue internally. As mentioned earlier this fix will be included in our volume 3- Sp-1 release which is expected to be rolled out in the month of November first week 2019. 
Saranya D 

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