Hi Romeo,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
When updating the Syncfusion packages, the changes which has done directly in those files will be cleaned. This cannot be override with custom changes when updating. But instead of that, we recommend you to override the scripts using prototype in your application for any custom changes.
For example, here overriding the prototype for getCultureValue method of Date picker
Please find the date picker code changes in below.
let datepickerObject: DatePicker = new DatePicker({
placeholder: 'Enter a Date',
created: onCreate
function onCreate() {
(DatePicker as any).prototype.getCultureValues = function () {
var culShortNames = [];
var cldrObj;
if (this.locale === 'en' || this.locale === 'en-US') {
cldrObj = (getValue('days.stand-alone.abbreviated', getDefaultDateObject())); // To show the day header format as "Sun", "Mon" etc.
else {
cldrObj = (this.getCultureObjects(cldrData, '' + this.locale));
for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(cldrObj); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
var obj = _a[_i];
culShortNames.push(getValue(obj, cldrObj));
return culShortNames;
} |
Please let us know if any concerns.