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Expired License Behaviour


It's been some years since we used Syncfusion products and we like to use them again but it seems there is now a licensing dll to add to the project.
We only plan to buy a chart library once as we are not interested in new updates nor support. Essentially, we plan to build an app once and then make smaller changes on the app unrelated to the chart library for the next 10 years.
Of course the app will be build with CI tools.

Now, how does this licensing dll work? Let's say the year (coverage period) lapses... Will we be able to compile our app and deploy it to customer? (After the year lapses we do not plan to update the Syncfusion products) 
Or will the used Syncfusion libraries we paid for stop working?

Thank you!

1 Reply

RM Ryan Madison Syncfusion Team September 20, 2019 12:01 PM UTC

Please email us at [email protected] - and we can provide you a perpetual license quotation.

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