Hi Syncfusion,
I am adding a tab in code like this:
// Add new tab content to new tab item and add tab to tabs and set active
var tabObj = this.$refs.TabInstance.ej2Instances;
let newTabItem = {
header: {
text: "Asana",
iconCss: "e-myicon",
iconPosition: 'Left' },
content: newTabContent,
// Add tab and set to seleced tab
tabObj.addTab([newTabItem], tabObj.items.length);
tabObj.select(tabObj.items.length - 1);
Then the css part looks like this:
.e-myicon:before {
content: url(./assets/myicon.png);
The problem is that the icon is not scaled nicely and also the position is wrong. Here is a screenshot:
So as you can see that iconis scaled strangely and also it is not positioned left.
Any idea what could be wrong?