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Is there anyway to get this to print a diagram across many pages without scaling either using the print button OR by using the JPG that is exported? Printing is important but it seems like it is not possible to actually take a larger than 1 piece of paper diagram and get it across multiple pages.
What are the options to do this? Is this even possible? Printing org charts for us is extremely important.
Yes, you can print or export diagram to multiple pages. You should also set the width and height of pageSettings and set MultiplePage as true. Please refer to a code example, help documentation and online sample.
Code example:
Help documentation: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/aspnetmvc/documentation/diagram/export/
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Also, print and export seem to ignore the diagrams zoom state. how do you fix that? |
The diagram zooming is not considered during printing and exporting. It is a default behavior of our diagram control. |