Hi Ajay,
Thanks for the update.
You can set width for specific columns of pivot table by using the event columnRender under the property gridSettings.
Please find the following code snippet for your reference.
Code snippet: [JavaScript]
gridSettings: {
columnRender: function(args) {
for(var i=0; i < args.columns.length; i++) {
if(args.columns[i].headerText != undefined && args.columns[i].headerText.indexOf("Units Sold")> 0)
args.columns[i].width =210; // You can customize the width of specific column here.
} |
Note: You can only set width to the columns of the last row (Units Sold, Sold Amount etc..) of column axis. Based on its column width its parent column(Q1, Q2, FY 2015 etc..) width will be calculated.
Please let us know if you have any concerns.
Scintilla A