Hi Nicolas,
Good day to you.
We have validated your reported issue and we found that material material-ui Drawer(Sidebar) is enforce the focus the model element caused this issue. By default, MultiSelect checkbox mode enable the filtering option and the filter bar shown inside the popup. The popup is appending to body element. So, when we click the input element popup will be opened with focus on the input, at same time enforceFocus() calls in drawer modal class. We have checked the issue related already raised query in the below github page.
We suggest to you disable the filtering option. We have prepared sample based your scenario. Please find the code snippet,
Code Example
<Divider />
<MultiSelectComponent dataSource={days}
fields={{ text: "label", value: "value" }}
placeholder="Select days"
<Inject services={[CheckBoxSelection]} />
<Divider /> |
Could you please check the above sample and get back to us if you need any further assistance on this?
Vinoth Kumar S