on a winform I have placed a Ms Datagridview with checkboxes and one Ms button.
If I check on a row of datagridview and then I click the Ms button the following code works correctly
Protected Function GetGrdFattureSelectedIds() As List(Of Integer)
'Get the list of selected id
Dim L As New List(Of Integer)
For Each Row As DataGridViewRow In grdFatture.Rows
If Row.Cells("Selezionato").Value = True Then L.Add(Row.Cells("idDocumento").Value)
Return L
End Function
I have placed a Syncfusion splitbutton and that routine fails the value of the last checked row: If I check only one row returns no items if I check three rows it returns the first two rows only. It seems that splitbutton doesn' t allow the datagridrow to complete events chain.
Any idea? thanks