Hi, I've been using the report tools for .net core and currently I'm trying to add a custom font (Arial) when the user export my reports as PDF. I'm using the following code in the reporting API for accomplishing this:
// Method will be called to initialize the report information to load the report with ReportHelper for processing.
public void OnInitReportOptions(ReportViewerOptions reportOption)
string basePath = _hostingEnvironment.WebRootPath;
// Here, we have loaded the sales-order-detail.rdl report from application the folder wwwroot\Resources. sales-order-detail.rdl should be there in wwwroot\Resources application folder.
FileStream reportStream = new FileStream(basePath + @"\reports\"
+ reportOption.ReportModel.ReportPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
reportOption.ReportModel.Stream = reportStream;
customers = new List () { new Customer() { Name = "Name1", Age = 25},
new Customer() { Name = "Name2", Age = 22},
new Customer() { Name = "Name3", Age = 23},
new Customer() { Name = "Name4", Age = 26}
reportOption.ReportModel.DataSources.Add(new ReportDataSource { Name = "DSTCustomers", Value = customers });
string resourceName = "ReportTests.Resources.Arial.ttf";
if (reportOption.ReportModel.PDFOptions == null)
reportOption.ReportModel.PDFOptions = new Syncfusion.Reporting.Writer.PDFOptions();
if (reportOption.ReportModel.PDFOptions.Fonts == null)
reportOption.ReportModel.PDFOptions.Fonts =
new Dictionary
(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase); }
For tests, I wrapped the resource stream in a class that doesn't close the stream under any situation (something like "NonClosingStreamWrapper"). This way the problem doesn't seem to happen.
How can I fix this?
Regards, Wendell.