From: Productive Computer Solutions
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 1:57 AM
To: Syncfusion Support <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Syncfusion support community forum 146291, Value not displaying in UPW when wrapping a SfNumericTextBox, has been updated.
Hi Muneesh
The SfSwitch is hosted in a xamarin forms grid
If I set my grid to have a 70/30 percentage split such as 7* in col 0 and 3* in col1 then that’s when it enlarges the xamarin forms grid to a crazy unpredictable height
Which seems to get worse the more switches you have
Through trial and error I eventually found The below snippet works but is no good for me long term as I need to run on many devices, font sizes etc so I
Limit using absolute values wherever I can
<ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="135" />
But this does not
<!-- grid height messes up if you use a percentage split and have an SfSwitch in col 2 cell -->
<ColumnDefinition Width="7*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="3*" />
As far as using an sf grid goes, thanks for the info & I will investigate it and TBH I never even checked for such an entity as the
Syncfusion sample projects ive been playing with for text boxes, pickers, combo’s etc all seem to use a standard
Xamarin forms grid, so I just assumed that was the way to do it, although the switch control Itself if pretty identical
so I changed from a standard xamarin to sf for control consistency
I will have a play with the sf grid when I get chance and get back if needed, however my most pressing issue is that I cant deploy my app on UWP because
Of the recently introduced issues with the combobox as reported, so I would like some sort of update on that please