Hi Stephan,
Query #1: What responses I have to send back to the Syncfusion framework after invoking the actions in my backend?
Initial render: At the initial Grid rendering, you need to return the result like ({result: [{..},{..}], count: total records count}) this format.
Edit: While editing, you need to return edited object from controller to Grid.
Add: While adding, you need to return newly added object from controller to Grid.
Delete: No need to return any values while perform delete action.
Query #2: How does this work, if I use the local data store and change several records?
While using this custom binding concept, the grid expects an object from your service and the emitted value should be an object with properties result and count.
At the initial Grid rendering please call your service within the load event of the Grid and return the result like as “{result: […], count: …}” format to Grid. If you want to perform any Grid actions (like CURD, sorting, filtering, paging, grouping) then we suggest to use Grid dataStateChange and dataSourceChanged events. For grid actions such as paging, grouping, sorting, etc., the dataStateChange event is invoked.
The dataSourceChanged event is triggered to update the grid data. So, we suggest you to use this event to call your service while perform the CRUD actions in Grid. You can perform the CRUD operation by using this event and you can get the changed records details in this event arguments. Finally you need to call the Grid endEdit method to indicate the completion of save operation.
Refer the help documentation.
Query #3: If I do edit several rows in the grid the rows (records) are getting 'dirty'.
If you want to perform edit the multiple row at same time, then we suggest you to use “Batch” edit mode to achieve this requirement.
Query #4: What queries are invoked to update the data and/or to delete these records?
From this query, we suspect that you want to know which Grid events are invoke while perform update and delete action in Grid. If you have used “Normal” editing, then you can use actionBegin Grid event to get the edited records details. If you have used “Batch” editing, then you can use “beforeBacthSave”, “beforeBatchDelete” event to get the edited/deleted record details.
If you have provide data a dataSource like ({result: […], count: …}) format, then you can use dataSourceChanged to get the edited records details.
Refer the help documentation.
Seeni Sakthi Kumar S.