I looked at the given link. Some parts I have already used. My application uses an xml document for the ever-present lexems. For this I use the code:
edcCODE.Configurator.Open ("F: \ VB2010 Proj \ Private \ PRIDE \ PRIDE \ PRIDE.PLC")
edcCODE.ApplyConfiguration ("PROTON")
for the lexems that are named by the end user I use the following code to add this:
Dim currentConfigLanguage As IConfigLanguage = Me.edcCODE.Configurator ("PROTON")
Me.edcCODE.ApplyConfiguration (currentConfigLanguage)
Dim formatMethod As ISnippetFormat = Me.edcCODE.Language.Add ("CodeBehind")
formatMethod.Font = New Font ("Garamond", 12)
formatMethod.BackColor = Color.Green
Dim own_lexem As ConfigLexem = New ConfigLexem ("Graphic", "", FormatType.Custom, False)
own_lexem.FormatName = "CodeBehind"
Me.edcCODE.Language.Lexems.Add (own_lexem)
Me.edcCODE.Language.ResetCaches ()
this works as desired. both the lexems from the xml file are processed as well as the lexems via the code.
What I have a problem with is to remove a lexem that has been added via the code. I tried to remove a lexem via
but I don't know what should be placed after remove.