I have implemented tool tip in my code and able to see it in the table when i hover over it. This is for each row in the table. Once i hover over the item i can see the tool tip. But if i do it fast and hover over the other rows in the table then there are few tooltips which are still there and not hidden.
Then when i checked the console i can see the error as :
"Cannot read property 'hide' of null at t.hide Tooltip"
The code i am using is
tooltip(args: QueryCellInfoEventArgs) {
if (args.column.field === "myCategoryName") {
if (!(args.data['myCategoryName'] === "" || args.data['myCategoryName'] === " " || args.data['myCategoryName'] === null)) {
const toolcontent = args.data['myCategoryName'];
const tooltip: Tooltip = new Tooltip({
content: toolcontent
}, args.cell as HTMLTableCellElement);
Can you please help in resolving this library issue. I have attached the screenshot with this ticket