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Cannot find name 'GLbyte'.


I get the following error when trying to render a sample chart:

Attachment: syncfcharts_a772e04a.zip

4 Replies

DD Dharanidharan Dharmasivam Syncfusion Team October 22, 2018 12:21 PM UTC

Hi Goran,  
Greetings from Syncfusion.  
We have analyzed the reported scenario. We have confirmed this as an issue and logged bug report for this. The reported issue is due to pdf component, since pdf is dependency for chart component. Fix for this issue will be included in our upcoming patch release on October 23, 2018. We appreciate your patience until then.   

DD Dharanidharan Dharmasivam Syncfusion Team October 25, 2018 05:53 AM UTC

Hi Goran, 
We are glad to announce that our v16.3.27 patch release is rolled out, we have added the fix for the reported issue regarding pdf and is available for download under the following link. 
We thank you for your support and appreciate your patience in waiting for this release. Please get in touch with us if you would require any further assistance. 

RC Rahul Chouhan July 13, 2019 08:47 AM UTC

i am Still getting the same issue in "@syncfusion/ej2-angular-charts": "^17.2.34".
Please, check it.
Thank you.

SL Sowmiya Loganathan Syncfusion Team July 15, 2019 09:14 AM UTC

Hi Rahul, 
We have checked with the issue which you have mentioned and we regret to let you know that the reported issue works fine our latest version 17.2.34. Please find the sample for the same to convert Chart to PDF in EJ2 Angular. 
Kindly try the above sample in your end and let us know if it solves the issue. 
Note: The fix for the reported issue has been included from the version 16.3.27. 
Sowmiya L 

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