I have a multiple series line chart, and I was wondering if there is a way to customize the tooltip so when I hover over a point I can add a comment about the point. Then I will save the comment to my database so next time I look at this graph I can see the comment I left. Wasn't sure if this is possible? Right now my tooltip displays the x and y values for the point I'm hovering over.
Here is my code in the view:
@Html.EJS().Chart("stdDevAsic").PrimaryXAxis(px => px.Title("Image Number").
ValueType(Syncfusion.EJ2.Charts.ValueType.Category)).Series(series =>
for (var i = 0; i < countAsic; i++)
).PrimaryYAxis(py => py.Title("Value")).Title("Standard Deviation of Asics").Tooltip(tt => tt.Enable(true)).ZoomSettings(z => z.EnableMouseWheelZooming(true)).Render()