I have implemented the file upload using the "chunked" example in combination of the non chunked example.
At first I use the example that is for non chunked and I was able to upload and delete files.
After moving to chunked I can no longer delete / remove files.
I have debugged the Action Method for "Remove" and it does get called but the file list is empty.
I have the following: cshtml
@using Syncfusion.EJ2
var asyncSettings = new Syncfusion.EJ2.Inputs.UploaderAsyncSettings { SaveUrl = @Url.Content("~/Uploader/Save"), RemoveUrl = @Url.Content("~/Uploader/Remove"), ChunkSize = 500000 };
<div class="control_wrapper">
<ejs-uploader id="UploadFiles" removing="onFileRemove" dropArea=".control-fluid" asyncSettings="@asyncSettings" maxFileSize="104857600" autoUpload="false" chunkFailure="onBeforeFailure" pausing="onPausing" resuming="onResuming">
@section Scripts {
function addTokens(args) {
args.currentRequest.setRequestHeader('XSRF-TOKEN', document.getElementsByName('__RequestVerificationToken')[0].value);
var dropElement = document.getElementsByClassName('control-fluid')[0];
function onChange(args) {
var uploadObj = document.getElementById("UploadFiles")
uploadObj.ej2_instances[0].asyncSettings.chunkSize = parseInt(args.itemData.chunkValue);
var isInteraction = false;
// to update flag variable value for automatic pause and resume
function onPausing(args) {
if (args.event !== null && !navigator.onLine) {
isInteraction = true;
else {
isInteraction = false;
// to update flag variable value for automatic pause and resume
function onResuming(args) {
if (args.event !== null && !navigator.onLine) {
isInteraction = true;
else {
isInteraction = false;
function onFileRemove(args) {
args.postRawFile = false;
// to prevent triggering chunk-upload failure event and to pause uploading on network failure
function onBeforeFailure(args) {
args.cancel = !isInteraction;
var uploadObj = document.getElementById('UploadFiles').ej2_instances[0];
// interval to check network availability on every 500 milliseconds
var clearTimeInterval = setInterval(function () {
if (navigator.onLine && !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(uploadObj.filesData[0]) && uploadObj.filesData[0].statusCode == 4) {
else {
if (!isInteraction && !ej.base.isNullOrUndefined(uploadObj.filesData[0]) && uploadObj.filesData[0].statusCode == 3) {
}, 500);
// clear Interval after when network is available.
function clearSetInterval() {
Here is the action method... UploadFiles Count = 0 for the Delete.
public IActionResult Remove(IList<IFormFile> UploadFiles)