Hi Tomasz,
Query 1: The Gantt control changes endDate, for example, I provided "2019-07-06T00:00:00Z", but Gantt changes it to Mon Jul 08 2019 08:00:00 GMT+0200.
Response: The given end date July 6, which lies on weekend(On Saturday). Hence, it is considered as holidays. So, the start & end dates are calculated internally and render to the next week day (working day) due to includeWeekend Property is false, By default the includeWeekend is false. If we want to consider weekends then we need to use includeWeekend as true, then all the weekends are also considered as working days. Please find the code example below.
<ejs-gantt :data-source="data" :includeWeekend="true">
</ejs-gantt> |
Query 2: How to disable editing for specific cell? I tried to cancel actionBegin but it didn't work.
Currently, we don’t have support to disable editing for specific cell. Hence we logged a feature report for this. You can track the status of the feature as below feedback link.
This feature will be included in our Volume 2, main release which is expected to be rolled out on mid of July 2019.
Pooja Priya K.