I try to set polish culture for DatePicker as it shown in example, but it resulted in console error.
calendar.js:263 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot convert undefined or null to object
at Function.keys (<anonymous>)
at DatePicker.CalendarBase.getCultureValues (calendar.js:263)
at DatePicker.CalendarBase.createContentHeader (calendar.js:296)
at DatePicker.CalendarBase.createContent (calendar.js:248)
at DatePicker.Calendar.createContent (calendar.js:1943)
at DatePicker.CalendarBase.render (calendar.js:152)
at DatePicker.Calendar.render (calendar.js:1852)
at DatePicker.disabledDates (datepicker.js:1255)
at DatePicker.updateInput (datepicker.js:196)
at DatePicker.initialize (datepicker.js:142)
As far as i can tell there is default property in crlObj and than there is main etc. But your locking for main property in root object which is not there.
You can find test project attached.
All you need to do is to try to set some date with date picker and you will see an error