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DateTimeAxis zoom-in quarter steps

I have a chart with X=DateTimeAxis, Y=NumericAxis and an 4 items per hour from 00:00 to 23:45. 
When I zoom in the data I'd like to see quarter steps (15 minutes) instead of "automatic 20 minutes steps". 
Is there any way to configure that?

Normal view:

Zoomed in:

3 Replies

BK Bharathiraja K Syncfusion Team June 12, 2019 11:35 AM UTC

Hi Pablo, 
Greetings from Syncfusion. EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming properties determines the update of the axis intervals, based on visible range while zooming. By setting EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming as false and set interval as 15 means, we can achieve your requirement. If it is true, we will calculate auto interval in source. Please refer the below code snippet. 
                        <chart:DateTimeAxis EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming="False" IntervalType="Minutes" Interval="15" Minimum="{Binding Minimum}" Maximum="{Binding Maximum}" > 
   <chart:DateTimeAxis.LabelStyle > 
                                <chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle TextColor="White" LabelFormat="hh mm" > 
Hope the above information will helpful to you.  

PA Pablo June 12, 2019 12:42 PM UTC

Thanks for the quick reply. With that suggestion we fix the zoom-in view, but the normal view gets worse. 
Is there a way to mix/modify/adapt both configurations? (hours-2 in normal view and minutes-15 if zoom-in)

Normal view:

Zoom-in view: 

BK Bharathiraja K Syncfusion Team June 13, 2019 11:05 AM UTC

Hi Pablo, 
For every interaction, chart provides enough events to handle their necessary customizations. By changing the interval and interval types in zoom event, we can achieve your requirement.  
ZoomStart – Event trigger when the user start zooming through pinch gesture. 
ZoomDelta – Event trigger while zooming. 
ZoomEnd – Event trigger after zooming stopped.  
ResetZoom – Event trigger after zoom reset by DoubleTap 
We have prepared the sample that will be downloaded from below link. 
<chart:SfChart x:Name="ChartControl" ZoomStart="ChartControl_ZoomStart" ResetZoom="ChartControl_ResetZoom" ZoomDelta="ChartControl_ZoomDelta" ZoomEnd="ChartControl_ZoomEnd" VerticalOptions="FillAndExpand" HorizontalOptions="FillAndExpand"> 
                <chart:DateTimeAxis x:Name="XAxis" EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming="False" IntervalType="Hours" Interval="4" Minimum="{Binding Minimum}" Maximum="{Binding Maximum}" ShowMajorGridLines="False" ShowMinorGridLines="False"> 
                    <chart:DateTimeAxis.LabelStyle > 
                        <chart:ChartAxisLabelStyle LabelFormat="HH mm" > 
. . . 
. . . 
        private void ChartControl_ResetZoom(object sender, ChartResetZoomEventArgs e) 
            ZoomPan.IsInvokeTapZoomIn = true; 
            XAxis.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours; 
            XAxis.Interval = 4; 
            XAxis.EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming = false; 
        //At Zoom start 
        private void ChartControl_ZoomStart(object sender, ChartZoomStartEventArgs e) 
        //Resetting the intervals. 
        private void ResetIntervals() 
            ZoomPan.IsInvokeTapZoomIn = false; 
            if (XAxis.ZoomPosition == 0 || XAxis.ZoomFactor == 1) //Default values 
                XAxis.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours; 
                XAxis.Interval = 4; 
                XAxis.IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Minutes; 
                XAxis.Interval = 15; 
            XAxis.EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming = false; 
One more step to follow if you use double tap zoom to initiate zoom on Android and iOS. 
[C#] CustomZoom 
public class CustomBehavior: ChartZoomPanBehavior 
        public bool IsInvokeTapZoomIn = true; 
        //Invoke while doble tap on chart. 
        protected override void DoubleTap(float pointX, float pointY) 
            if (Chart != null) 
                if (IsInvokeTapZoomIn) 
                    IsInvokeTapZoomIn = !IsInvokeTapZoomIn; 
                    (Chart.PrimaryAxis as DateTimeAxis).IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Minutes; 
                    (Chart.PrimaryAxis as DateTimeAxis).Interval = 15; 
                    IsInvokeTapZoomIn = !IsInvokeTapZoomIn; 
                    (Chart.PrimaryAxis as DateTimeAxis).IntervalType = DateTimeIntervalType.Hours; 
                    (Chart.PrimaryAxis as DateTimeAxis).Interval = 4; 
                Chart.PrimaryAxis.EnableAutoIntervalOnZooming = false; 
            base.DoubleTap(pointX, pointY); 
                <local:CustomBehavior x:Name="ZoomPan" ZoomMode="X" EnableDoubleTap="True" EnablePanning="True" EnableZooming="True" /> 
Hope the above information will help you to achieve your requirement.  
Fig: before zoom in 
Fig: After zoom in  

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