I am working on a grid
that potentially can be very large for our users. It uses a lot of the built-in
features Syncfusion provides. I would like to make it so they can arrange the Grid in a
way like (move columns around, remove or add columns, group by, sort etc...) and then
be able to save that modified grid as a view that can be selected anytime they
are using our tool. potentially they could have multiple view saves they could
load at will.
The piece I am having
trouble with is getting the grid state, and reloading it on the page. I would
be saving the state to a field in a firebase DB to be called on anytime it is
needed. I have read and seen the documentation on state persistence and
saving it to local storage, and have tried to use that to save to our DB but
have been unsuccessful. I am hoping I am hoping to find an additional example,
or documentation of something like this.
<div id="app">
<ejs-button v-on:click.native="btnClick">Clear persistance</ejs-button>
<ejs-grid id="Grid" ref="grid" :enablePersistence="true" :dataBound="dataBound" :load="load" >
import Vue from "vue";
import { GridPlugin, Page, Resize, Sort, Filter } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-grids";
import { ButtonPlugin } from "@syncfusion/ej2-vue-buttons";
import { data } from "./datasource";
var isInitialRender = true;
var isInitialLoad = null;
export default {
data() {
return {
data: data,
filterOptions: {
type: "Excel"
provide: {
grid: [Page, Resize, Sort, Filter]
methods: {
btnClick: function(event) {
var grid = this.$refs.grid.ej2Instances;
var initialGridState = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("pData"));
var initialGridCol = JSON.parse(window.localStorage.getItem("gCol"));
for (var i = 0; i < initialGridCol.length; i++) {
initialGridState.columns[i].headerText =
initialGridState.columns[i].headerBackup; //restore headerText
grid.setProperties(initialGridState); // reset the Grid state to default
dataBound: function(args) {
var grid = this.$refs.grid.ej2Instances;
if (
window.localStorage.getItem(isInitialLoad) === "true" &&
) {
window.isInitialLoad = false;
window.initialData = grid.getPersistData();// get the initial data
var perData = grid.getPersistData();
window.localStorage.setItem("pData", perData); // storing the initial data
isInitialRender = false;
window.localStorage.setItem(isInitialLoad, "false");
load: function(args) {
var grid = this.$refs.grid.ej2Instances;
// ******* check if the grid has rendered in first time ****** //
if (window.localStorage.getItem(isInitialLoad) == null) {
window.localStorage.setItem(isInitialLoad, "true"); // assign when control initialize
isInitialRender = true;
for (var k = 0; k < grid.columns.length; k++) {
grid.columns[k].headerBackup = grid.columns[k].headerText; // storing the intial columns headerText
var backupCols = JSON.stringify(grid.columns);
window.localStorage.setItem("gCol", backupCols); //storing initial columns in localstorage
}; |
Hi Hariharan, I have used your solution to restore headerText and it works fine. But I have another issue. For columns that have their own dataSource, they will display foreignKeyField (for example id) instead of foreignKeyValue (for example description). How I can restore such columns so they will display foreignKeyValue instead of foreignKeyField?
The current condition:
What I want:
Comparison between column with dataSource (yellow) and column without dataSource (orange):