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I need a better code example with built in template functionality

Hi Thomas, 
Thanks for contacting Syncfusion support. 
1.      Example 1 is a customized version of DocumentEditor with user defined tool bar and properties pane.  
2.      Example 2 is a quick start version of DocumentEditor known as DocumentEditorContainer(With predefined toolbar and properties pane).  
3.      We have fixed the save document issue in the provided sample in the below forked link.  
4.      Regarding the documentation,  we will prepare the KB for the mentioned custom requirement. 
5.      Regarding save documentation kindly refer the below help link https://ej2.syncfusion.com/vue/documentation/document-editor/export/ 
Ramya T  

1 Reply

TH Thomas May 24, 2019 12:37 PM UTC

Good day dear Sir

I managed to successfully incorporate Syncfusion documenteditor as described here: https://ej2.syncfusion.com/vue/demos/#/material/document-editor/default.html in my NUXT application.
Now i'd like to save individual documents to firebase.firestorage as a sfdt file format or a JSON String. For that I have studied your second code example provided here: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vue-documenteditor-local-save.

Then, I tried to rebuild the titlebar from the second example with the Save and Open- features (dropdown Button to choose a new Template, the "New" Button in the toolbar which opens the "NEW" Popup) into your first original example in the documentation. I failed, partly due to the very large filesize of example 2 and because is structured differently than the original example. 

Could you refactor example2 similar to example1 where we can just use prebuilt components to add the necessary functionality, so know the ins and outs of 3000 lines of code.  I'd really like to have the template feature, the "new" button pop-up and the "save" and 'open' functionality of example 2 built in into example1. Example1 is very straightforward but it lacks these important features.  

Thank you so much for your help. Looking forward to hearing from you. 

Thomas Marti  

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