Hi Vadims,
Greetings from Syncfusion Support.
To paint over the cells for holidays, you can make use of renderCell event and for the same we have prepared a sample which can be downloaded from the following link.
if (args.elementType == 'workCells' || args.elementType == "monthCells") {
let date = new Date(args.date.getFullYear(), args.date.getMonth(), args.date.getDate());
if ((date.getTime() - new Date(2019, 0, 1).getTime()) == 0) {
addClass([args.element], 'paint');
td.e-work-cells.e-work-hours.paint,td.e-work-cells.e-alternate-cells.paint,td.e-work-cells.paint {
background: #26bb9a30 !important;
The image shared is not available, can you reattach the image? We suspect that your requirement is ‘not want to show horizontal scroll bar’. Can you confirm your view whether you are using timeline month view or vertical month view so that we could provide you the better solution?