Here is my sfDataForm XAML definition:
<dataForm:SfDataForm Grid.Row="0" DataObject="{Binding Competitor}" AutoGenerateItems="False">
<dataForm:DataFormDropDownItem Name="Athlete" LabelText="{x:Static res:Strings.CompetitorAthleteFieldName}" Editor="DropDown" ItemsSource="AthleteCollection" DisplayMemberPath="FullName"/>
<dataForm:DataFormNumericItem Name="Bib" LabelText="{x:Static res:Strings.CompetitorBibFieldName}" Editor="Numeric" FormatString="0"/>
<dataForm:DataFormTextItemBase Name="TeamName" LabelText="{x:Static res:Strings.CompetitorTeamNameFieldName}" Editor="Text"/>
The Athlete field is an object that I want to select from the AthleteCollection observable collection using a dropdown list.
However, the DropDown control stays in a disabled state as it doesn't get populated with the AthleteCollection as defined in the ItemsSource.
I did try to use a binding syntax such as ItemsSource = {Binding AthleteCollection} but when I do that, I get the exception "Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
Testing was also done using a DataFormPickerItem but it doesn't work either.
Note that I follow an MVVM model and would like to minimize the code behind form and any hard dependencies.