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How can I get Intellij to recognize attributes on ejs elements?

When I use any ejs component, as an example ejs-dropdownlist, it sees the element just fine and all the attributes work correctly, however Intellij tells me all the attributes are note valid. This is creating a cosmetic issue and an auto completion. Did I just miss something while setting everything up?

The actual warning I get is
"Property dataSource is not provided by any applicable directives nor by ejs-dropdownlist element"
on this html
<ejs-dropdownlist [dataSource]="locations"
placeholder="All Locations"
[fields]="{text: 'label', value: 'value' }"

1 Reply

MS Mydeen S N Syncfusion Team April 8, 2019 01:05 PM UTC

Hi Joseph, 
Greetings from Syncfusion support. 
We have tried to  reproduce the Property dataSource is not provided by any applicable directives nor by ejs-dropdownlist element  in our end, but we are not able to reproduce  the issue in our side. However we have  created a simple dropdown component  sample by using angular cli .Please find the sample link in below 

We suspect that you might have used some lint process in your application. Cloud you please  share the below details  

  1. Your angular cli version and angular version
  2. What kind of lint process and their package version
  3. If you use visual studio code or not ?
  4. If you use any lint extensions  in visual studio code

It will be helpful for  us to find the solution as soon as possible. 

Mydeen S N 

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