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Vue + SCSS

I'm using npm and looking how I can add SCSS of the specific modules in my project?
I need grid and calendar SCSS
@import "./node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-base/styles/material.scss";
@import "./node_modules/@syncfusion/ej2-buttons/styles/button/material.scss";
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/sass-loader/lib/loader.js):
@import 'ej2-base/styles/material-definition.scss';
File to import not found or unreadable: ej2-base/styles/material-definition.scss.
So - the system see no ej2-base/styles/ path

What will be the right syntax to have grid and calendar (buttons,dialogs, etc) works?

 need SCSS - because I have to use variables based on selected theme - css is not the option

please advise

3 Replies

MS Mydeen S N Syncfusion Team April 5, 2019 12:03 PM UTC

Hi Oleg, 
Greetings from Syncfusion support. 

We suspect that the issue in the scss compilation is due to  not setting  the includePaths option in the webpack.config.js . We suggest you to configure the includePaths option in the vue-loader  settings in the webpack.config.js file to resolve the issue as mentioned in the below code snippet. 
module: {  
        rules: [  
                test: /\.vue$/,  
                loader: 'vue-loader',  
                options: {  
                    loaders: {  
                        // Since sass-loader (weirdly) has SCSS as its default parse mode, we map  
                        // the "scss" and "sass" values for the lang attribute to the right configs here.  
                        // other preprocessors should work out of the box, no loader config like this necessary.  
                        'scss': [  
                                loader: "sass-loader",  
                                options: {  
                                    includePaths: [  
And now, we can add the SCSS file reference directly in the App.vue file using below code snippet.  
For your convenience, we have created a simple sample and the same can be download from the below link.  

You can refer the below documentation for theme variables which you can used to customize the theme.  

Please find the example code snippet for overriding the accent color for our components in material theme. 

<style lang="scss"> 
// for example, we have override our variable color here 
$accent: black; 
// syncfusion styles 



Let us know if you need further assistance on this. 

Mydeen SN 

OL Oleg April 5, 2019 12:09 PM UTC

Great! Thank you! this is exactly what I was looking for!!!!

MS Mydeen S N Syncfusion Team April 5, 2019 12:13 PM UTC

Hi Oleg, 
We are happy that the problem has been solved. 
Please get back to us if you need any further assistance. 
Mydeen S N 

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