I'm trying to add a circular gauge that the user can drag and set the value manually. I've enabled dragging on a Marker Pointer but when I try to drag it moves a small amount and then stops. I added the gauge to my .axml file and then I'm setting it up in the OnCreate() event for my activity. Here is the code I'm using to set it up:
SfCircularGauge gauge = FindViewById<SfCircularGauge>(Resource.Id.gauge);
ObservableCollection<CircularScale> scales = new ObservableCollection<CircularScale>();
CircularScale scale = new CircularScale();
scale.StartValue = 0;
scale.EndValue = 100;
scale.Interval = 10;
scale.RadiusFactor = 1;
MarkerPointer markerPointer = new MarkerPointer();
markerPointer.Value = 50;
markerPointer.MarkerHeight = 80;
markerPointer.MarkerWidth = 80;
markerPointer.EnableAnimation = false;
markerPointer.EnableDragging = true;
gauge.CircularScales = scales;
Are there any settings I am missing to enable this feature?