I'm trying to change the editSettings and toobar of a ejs-grid in script and it's not working..
<ejs-grid id="grdTS" load="grdTS_Load" toolbar="@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel" })" allowPaging="true"
<e-data-manager url="/Officers/TimeSheet?handler=DataSource" updateUrl="/Officers/TimeSheet?handler=UpdateData"
insertUrl="/Officers/TimeSheet?handler=InsertData" adaptor="UrlAdaptor"></e-data-manager>
<e-grid-editSettings allowAdding="true" allowDeleting="true" allowEditing="true"></e-grid-editSettings>
I'm just testing with a change event for a dropdown. The code does run but nothing happens. You can still edit the grid and the menu stays the same.
function monthChange(args) {
var gridObj = document.getElementById("grdTS").ej2_instances[0]
gridObj.editSettings.allowEditing = "false"
gridObj.toobar = "@(new List<string>() { "Add", "Cancel" })"