I am looking for a solution where I can create a button and once click on it the all the accordion items should be able to toggle to open all the items and once and close at once I am attaching a sample please do have a look and let me know asap.
<div class="col-12" id="generalAccordion">
@Html.EJS().Accordion("accordion").ExpandMode(ExpandMode.Multiple).Items(Model.Instructions.Select(i =>
new AccordionAccordionItem { Header = i.Text, Expanded = false, Content = $"#instructions-{i.Id.ToString()}" }).ToList()).Render()
@foreach (var currInstruction in Model.Instructions)
<div id="@($"instructions-{currInstruction.Id.ToString()}")" style="display: none;">
@foreach (var currGeneralInstruction in currInstruction.GeneralInstructions)
<h4 style="font-size: 1.2rem;"><a rel='nofollow' href="@Url.CdnContent("/static/pdf/" + currGeneralInstruction.FileName)" target="_blank"><i class="fa fa-file-pdf-o fa-2x text-danger "></i>@currGeneralInstruction.FileTitle</a></h4>