Hi Fabiano,
Greetings from Syncfusion.
Query : I found the margin of the header and the footer, and the sides very large and I would like to reduce
We have analyzed your query and we suggest to use the beforePdfExport event to achieve your requirement. In the below sample, we have set the margin of the exported pdf document by overriding the default processSectionExportProperties method. Please refer to the below sample and documentation for your reference,
import {PdfPageSettings, PdfPageOrientation} from '@syncfusion/ej2-pdf-export'
args.gridObject.pdfExportModule.processSectionExportProperties = function (section, pdfExportProperties){
let pdfPageSettings: PdfPageSettings = new PdfPageSettings();
return section;
}... |
Please get back to us for further assistance.
Pavithra S.